Considering renting in Oakland’s crazy rental market? Explore some neighborhoods to figure out where you’ll get the biggest bang for your buck! These available units are all going for around $2,000/month: West Oakland: This pet-friendly apartment is about to get a whole lot more pet-friendly. They’re currently remodeling the backyard to include a BBQ and… Read more »
To be thankful for the lives we live and the neighbors we have is important, but to give back to our communities is to truly appreciate the Bay Area. Here is a list of volunteer opportunities you can join to show your love for our area! 5 ways to give back… Read more »
KQED has a wonderful little video segment on Lake Merritt, it tells the story of the lake, beginning with the fact that it’s not really a lake, its a Slough. What’s a slough? It’s a swampy marsh with several creeks running into it. We learn some interesting tidbits; Lake Merritt is the first Wildlife refuge in… Read more »